Cool Cats Partners With Immutable For Match Quest Game

4 months ago 102

Popular NFT postulation Cool Cats person announced a concern with Immutable for the archetypal of 3 games coming successful 2024.

Developed by PlayEmber and Sync Studios, Cool Cats: Match Quest is an upcoming match-3 mobile crippled which aims to grow the Cool Cats brand, instrumentality the postulation multi-chain, and prosecute fans with rewards.

The crippled is acceptable to motorboat successful Q2 2024.

We are partnering with @Immutable to powerfulness our match3 quest crippled connected Immutable zkEVM!

Cool Cats: Match Quest, launching Q2, volition assistance us:
✅ Expand our Audience
✅ Become Multi-Chain & Cross-Platform
✅ Further Reward Engagement
👀 More info soon!

— Cool Cats (@coolcats) January 19, 2024

What is Immutable?

Immutable is an Ubisoft-support web3 developer level & blockchain crippled publisher, and are creators of the eponymous Ethereum Layer-2 blockchain, ImmutableX.

Cool Cats: Match Quest volition utilise the Immutable zkEVM to support the crippled secure, and for seamless integration of web3 features.

A scope of existent and upcoming web3 games are built connected Immutable’s technology, including Gods Unchained, MetalCore, Illuvium and galore more.

— Immutable (@Immutable) January 19, 2024

What Cool Cats games are coming this year?

Cool Cats: Match Quest volition beryllium the archetypal of 3 games to beryllium released this year, arriving successful Q2 2024.

An as-yet-unnamed competitive, multiplayer arcade game, developed by Animoca Brands-arm nWay, is acceptable to get aboriginal successful the year.

Another as-yet-unnamed game, a mobile endless runner developed by Animoca-backed iCandy, is besides owed to get earlier year’s end.

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